terça-feira, 30 de agosto de 2011

As Maravilhas do Emprego Precário (AXES MARKET/INTERNATIONAL MKT) Parte II

Novo Post com desenvolvimentos:

Resposta da Rita Peixoto- Empregos Online- com base num testemunho escrito de Christopher Grizzard
Owner; International Marketing.

Boa tarde,

Segue a explicação do sucedido pela parte do cliente:

"Those blogs and complaints are from our competitors, currently we are having our lawyers in conversations with blogs administrators to remove defamatory posts contained therein and have already had one removed, without need of court proceedings (which clearly shows the illegality of those posts) . They do not reflect genuine concerns from the public but rather an intentional effort from our competitors to damage our business, hence their anonymous nature.

We do conduct interviews on a regular basis, also we conduct a second round interview where a candidate has the option to observe first hand the actual work that we do, so that we are as transparent as possible, and all candidates sign a form acknowledging these facts.

In addition to our legal procedures, we will immediately implement an internal enquiry to ensure all proceedings related with our operation (interviews, contacts with the public, etc) are made with the dignity that an organization like our's demands.

Please understand that internet blogs are not necessarily the best source of reliable information. We work with some of the largest companies in Portugal and obviously if we were operating in an illegal or unethical fashion then those companies would not continue to rely on us for their marketing and sales services. Internet blogs can be created or commented on in an anomoyous nature and by people who have little or no real information or facts, by people who are commenting because they are our competitors, and can be done in a way where there is no requirement of accountability and/or no process to verify the legitimacy of the comments before they are published. Many if not all of the comments on those blogs are factually inaccurate and in breach of Portuguese defamation laws, which is why we are proceeding with the help of our Legal staff. Any candidates currenty searching for jobs online should beware of blogs like this, there are also blogs on the internet which claim that large and respected companies like Starbucks and Microsoft are involved in illegal or unethical practices, which clearly is not true, and should not influence a job seekers impression of a Company.

As for my company, I am more than willing to personally sit down with any candidates who have questions or concerns about my company and how it operates, which I think clearly indicates how transparent and ethical we are as a company. Not many companies offer the opportunity for concerned citizens to sit down with the Owner/CEO for the sake of transparency, but we do, so please communicate that message to any of your users who would like to take that opportunity."

Ponto de Situação:

1: A Empregos Online responde-me por mail, tendo os meus contactos telefónicos directos. Resposta Parcial e sem se pronunciar sobre o seu Parceiro Comercial( Pagante do Tributo);

2- A International Marketing enviou-me mail para remarcar uma entrevista, e escuda-se nos persecutórios concorrentes ( BUUU a Concorrência mina a nossa Empresa, Mercado Livre Get used to it)para justificar os inúmeros testemunhos publicados no Blogue Precários inflexíveis( uma certa esquerda quer minar o nosso "lícito" esquema de enriquecimento à conta da exploração laboral)
2a) Tem os meus contactos de mail e telefone! Acham que me ligaram?

Um bem haja.

Marco Mendes

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